I’m Nick Silvis, Grand Rapids Westsider all my life except for 8 years in the Army. During that time in the service, I spent 3 years in Fulda Germany and was assigned to Delta Company 1/11 ACR.Were I was a Supply SGT. My Wife at the time and I met a German police officer and his family named Wurgen Wagner. We became best friends and he was very helpful with our time there. When it was time to leave he gave me a going away party and it was a fantastic time and the memories will last forever.

After my time in service I worked for a furniture manufacture for 33 years. From there I volunteering at Nerd Swarm a computer repair service in Grand Rapids. At Nerd Swarm they were kind enough to take the time to teach me all the in & outs of computer repair. While my time at Nerd Swarm I took classes at New Horizon.

  • Comptia –  A+
  • Comptia – Networking
  • Comptia – Security

I have also received training in the field of Production & Inventory Management

  • CPIM – Certificate in Production & Material Management